Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Team Spirit Day 10

Success!  Everyone made it to the team meeting this morning after last night's international party!  And what a night it was.  The U.S. Team's tamales were great, and it was even better watching people attempt to chew through the corn husks...

Dennis is now briefing the team before launch.  It will be "windy and dry today... very dusty on the grid..."  What a surprise.  Grid is at 12:30.  So no napping in the team room... yet.  Looks like a short area task today with lots of blue...

Task distances for day 10 are set as follows:
15M - 474K, 18M - 496 K, and due to a start gate change, Open - 481K

Too much team spirit to fit here in Uvalde...
For everyone!

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